Saturday, January 2, 2010

Las Vegas: Suicide City?

I always knew that the environment you grow up in can mold you into the person you are. I think it is so interesting to think that if I had grown up and lived with my family in another town, I could potentially have been much different than the person I am today. When I began researching the topic, I found some startling information.

Where you live effects your mood directly. According to a study by Temple University, people who live in Las Vegas, Nevada have a significantly higher suicide rate than other cities. Their suicide rates are twice as high as the rest of the country. About one person per day commits suicide in Las Vegas (NPR). Plus, "people who die while visiting Las Vegas are twice as likely to die by suicide versus those who die traveling someplace else" (AOL Heath). The University's study suggested that the environment in Las Vegas could be 'suicidogenic' which means "unknown aspect of the urban lifestyle promotes suicide" (AOL Heath).

I wonder why people are at such a higher risk of committing suicide just based on where they are. Could it be that Las Vegas attracts those types of people or does the city's environment cause these high rates of suicide?

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    This post begins with great promise. I like that you cite a source with a startling stat., but i wonder why you simply let this fish wriggle off the hook. Why not supply readers with your hypothesis (perhaps also backed up by a source)?
