Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who's funnier? Men or Woman?

In an article on Vanity, it states that men are funnier than woman. Why? Because they have to be. Their argument was that in a relationship, woman are typically looking for handsome, tall and funny. While on the other side, "Women have no corresponding need to appeal to men in this way. They already appeal to men."

I think it is interesting that society has come to a point where we feel the only way a man is attracted to a woman is in a physical way. While some guys might be like that, I think a real relationship isn't just based on that. If a man was the only one making all the jokes and making interesting conversation, he might as well be talking to a wall. I think this shows us something about the gender roles in this society. We feel that men should be the one to impress a woman first and that woman can basically just stand there to impress a man.
Why has society become this way? Why isn't it the other way around?


  1. I agree with what you are saying and this is an interesting topic. From my experience, I do believe that men are generally funnier, and not just because im a guy. I think this is because throughout time the man approaches the woman and tries to win her love. This means he has to have attractive qualities, such as being funny. Our society emphasizes this even more, with humor related things directed towards men, and things concerning body image directed towards women. So due to history and today's world, men are funnier.

  2. I agree with you and Brian when you say that men are more pressured to have certain characteristics to seem more attractive. I think that women, however, might not be as focused on these types of characteristics for fear that they might make them less attractive. Also because they spend their time appealing to men in the ways that are believed to be what men want.
