Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Capitalization on Micheal Jackson's Death?

I think it is interesting to see the Jackson Brothers and making a television series about their lives. With the passing of Michael Jackson, the Jackson family and many other people involved in his life have taken advantage of his rising popularity after his death. With the making of his movie to the new tv series to the Micheal posters sold on infomerchials, many people have capitalized on his passing. I think this is so wrong for them to do, especially his family. If Micheal hadn't passed away, the tv series would have never been made as popluar, the movie wouldn't have made neirly as much of an impact and no one would be selling posters of him. I think it is interesting to see people's desperation to capitalize on everything, even someones death. Another interesting this the 4 remaining brothers plan on doing is going on a Jackson 5 reunion tour. I think this is yet another way they want to make money off Michael because since his "This is it" tour sold out so quickly and now since those people never got to see Micheal, they want to target that audience to sell out this tour.
Do you think it is ok for them to be trying to make money off of him? Is it just an opportunity that they are taking advatage of?

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