Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Education a Constitutional Right?

I recently read an article that was about a man who opened a school in which the goal was to send 100% of its students to college afterwards. They mainly focused on minorities from bad neighborhoods to give them the opportunity to have a learning environment similar to that of a school such as New Trier. I found it interesting when he posed the question, “why only the rich kids get good schools?” It got me thinking about the constitution and what it says about the right to equal opportunities. I think that this article proves that many poor kids do not get that right. They are deprived of a stable educational environment in which they are encouraged to work hard and get into college like we are in Winnekta. A stunning report states that after graduation, 53 percent of poor high school students are ready for college, while 86 percent of wealthy graduates are prepared. This study proves that the kids from poor families don't have the same oportunity as kids from wealthy families to get into college and have a good education.
This poses the questions, how do we change our educational systems to create the same oportunities for everyone? Why is it that poor kids have to work so much harder than a kid born into a privilaged life? And lastly, is the right to equal oportunities a granted right in the US?

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