Monday, January 4, 2010

Is "The Nagging Strategy " Ethical?

In todays class discussion, we talked about whether it was ethical for corporations to aim their ads towards children so that they nag their parents to purchase their product. I think that this is an ethical way of marketing because parents have the ultimate decision to buy the toy or not. I remember when I was younger, if I saw a cool toy on television, I would ask my mom and she would sometimes say yes or sometimes she wouldn't want me to have the toy, for whatever reason. If I kept nagging her she would get mad, not just give in and buy it for me. I think that if a parent can show their child that they wont always get what they want, the corporations marketing strategy wont have a negative effect on children.

I think it is a smart way of getting kids excited about their product and getting them to think they have to have it. However, I think it ultimately will be the parents jobs to make sure they can get them to begin to understand that they actually don't need the toy, they want it, and that there is a difference. They may not understand at young ages, but as they get older, they will ultimately learn a good lesson. I think that this strategy of marketing is ethical and has no real potential to harm the kids in any way.

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