Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bad Fan Base

On Saturday, I went to the Northwestern Vs. Michigan State basketball game. It was held at our own stadium, however, with all the Michigan fans and their support, it sounded like we were at their gym. It always suprises me at the lack of support our team gets at each game. Compare us to any other big ten fan base and we look like we don't even care wheather they win or lose. The overwhelming support that teams like U of I recive helps their team get pumped up and energized to win games against difficult teams. The energy our team had trying to play Michican State was depressing. We lost so horribly in our own court and i feel we could have plaed better if our fans were on their feet supporting the team. The few NU fans that do cheer were drowned out by the insessent clapping and cheering lead by Michigan fans.
Why is it that we can't seem to get a good enough fan base? Why is it that the season ticket holders rarley come to the games let alone cheer for the team?

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