Saturday, May 29, 2010


In my spanish class, we have been studying immigration. Topped with this was the intersting presentation made by Maria Finitzo at AIS Day. A major issue today is the new law that was passed in Arizona which permits law inforcment to ask suspected legal immigrants for their papers without any evidence, other than their appearance, that they are illegal. It has been interesting for me to be exposed to both sides of the argument. On one hand, Arizona has been hit with soaring crime rates from the drug traders and criminals that have come from Mexico. On the other hand, you have the fathers and mothers desperate to find a better life for themselves and their children in a country where it seems possible to find that new life. In all the discussions and things I have learned about immigration this year, I am stilled puzzled with one question: Why does it take so long to become legal in our country? It seems like if the system allowed for these families to become legal more easily would slow down the illegal immigrants from crossing the boarder and allow Boarder partrol to focus more on the people coming here and comminting crimes instead of trying to make a better life.

What do you think would improve immigration in the United States? Why is it so difficult and take so many years to become legal in this country?

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