Monday, April 26, 2010

Junior Theme Blog #2

Now that I'm pretty far into my research and reading, I've realized how interested I am in my topic, which is hip hop music. I actually am enjoying researching and learning more about it. Some difficulties I have had is getting my ideas together and putting my research materials with my ideas. I have a lot of research material that I know will help at least one of my arguments but it becomes a little overwhelming to try to figure out where I want to use a research article in my paper. All the articles I have found have so much good information but, as I said, its hard to organize it all and link my arguments and thoughts with each article.

Another thing I was having trouble with was getting my bibliography together. I usually procrastinate on doing them and find myself trying to get back to links I used and things I wrote down to remind myself of a reference. But this time, I have been taking the time to put in every article I find valuable into my noodle tools account. Even if I'm not sure if i will use it, I still am putting it in there. This has helped a lot because sometimes, I will be looking over my bibliography and see a source I forgot about and realize I can use it in the paragraph I'm writing.

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