Monday, April 26, 2010

Junior Theme Blog #2

Now that I'm pretty far into my research and reading, I've realized how interested I am in my topic, which is hip hop music. I actually am enjoying researching and learning more about it. Some difficulties I have had is getting my ideas together and putting my research materials with my ideas. I have a lot of research material that I know will help at least one of my arguments but it becomes a little overwhelming to try to figure out where I want to use a research article in my paper. All the articles I have found have so much good information but, as I said, its hard to organize it all and link my arguments and thoughts with each article.

Another thing I was having trouble with was getting my bibliography together. I usually procrastinate on doing them and find myself trying to get back to links I used and things I wrote down to remind myself of a reference. But this time, I have been taking the time to put in every article I find valuable into my noodle tools account. Even if I'm not sure if i will use it, I still am putting it in there. This has helped a lot because sometimes, I will be looking over my bibliography and see a source I forgot about and realize I can use it in the paragraph I'm writing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Starting the Junior Theme

When we started junior theme, I knew right away that I wanted to research something about music. I think the hardest part for me was trying to think of an acceptable 'why' question to research. At first, I was trying to focus on woman's struggle in the music idustry, but since this is a problem in all indsutries, I could only do this if I focused on buisness in general. Then I tried to focus on censourship in music but found it hard to make a why question relating to that theme and I realized I wasn't as interested in it as I thought I would be.
Then one day, I was looking through the music section in the library and came across a really interesting book called "The Hip Hop Wars" which discusses the conflicts and controversies surrounding the hip hop industry. As I began to read, I found that I was extremely interested in what the author had to say on this topic. I then came up with the question , 'Why is hip hop music mainstream and why has the media constructed it the way they have."
Right now I'm struggling with the wording of my question since it is kind of a long and wordy question at the moment. But besides for that, I think the most difficult thing so far with finding a theme was phrasing the question in a 'why' form.