Monday, November 23, 2009

Perilous Times

When I think of civil liberties being taken away, I automatically think of out Perilous Times presentations and all the wars from years ago when people foolishly took away out civil rights. I recently read an article that confirmed the fact that our civil liberties are still unsafe. Sarah Palin hosted an event at Fort Braggs for a book signing. However, the US army plans on preventing the media from covering the event. Fort Bragg spokesman Tom McCollum says that he is “worried that Palin's supporters might use the media to express political opinions from the sprawling military installation that serves as a base for some 35,000 soldiers.” I think that this is a clear violation of our right to free speech and freedom of the press. The Fort explains that they do not want the fort to become a place for a political platform. I do understand their reasoning to not want her to be making speeches and causing a big media rush but Palin had previously agreed she wasn't making a speech and wouldn't pose for pictures for the media. I felt it was a a clear example of our fears during war time creeping into our constitutional rights. I feel is she already agreed to not make it a political statement and only be there to sign her books, whats the point of not allowing the press to be present?

Do you feel this violates civil liberties?

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