Monday, November 30, 2009

Are we born creative?

I found the quotes that Mr.O'Connor had posted on his most recent blog extreamly interesting. As i was reading through them, i found the topic of inherited creativity to be a trending topic. One man said, "If we practice creativity we become more creative. It we practice routine we become robots." I love this quote because it is extremely insightful and, i feel, it is correct. People aren't born able to write amazing songs, or deep and lyrical poems. I think the people who become good at it, are so amazing at what they do because they have a passion for it. Like most skills, if you don't want to learn it, you won't. No matter how hard you work at it, you will never be as good as someone who pours their heart and soul into it. Another person had stated that, "Some people are just born creative." I completely disagree with this because creativity come to you when you work for it, or you have a deep need or passion to express yourself creatively. Do you think anyone can be creative or do you think that people are either born with it or born without it?


  1. I agree with you as well as disagree with you at the same time. I disagree with you because I personally believe that some people are just born with natural abilities. I can't explain it at all, but some people are just naturally good at sports or very creative. Obviously I think these people practice their skills and develop them even farther, but I do fully believe that some people are just born with it. On the other hand, I do agree with you that people do have to practice being creative. It definitely does not come natural to some people, but I think that people who try hard enough can reach a very high level of creativity. I don't know if that makes any sense written out, but overall I think that some people are born with natural abilities and others have to work at it.

  2. I'd have to agree with Zoe, but it's slightly different. I believe people can be born with a creative gift(eye for fashion, steady hand etc). But Katie is right in that you have to pursue that gift to become really talented.

    Similar to this some people are born athletes. That doesn't mean they are instantly good at every sport, but you can see an athlete. You know that with practice they can become great maybe more easily then someone who is less athletically inclined even with the same practice.
