Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tonights the Night, Lets Live it Up

I read a previous blog post discussing the topic of current movies and how they are not as good as older movies used to be. I found this interesting because movies should be getting better with technology but it seems they are getting worse and worse. A similar topic is the fact that popular music these days is in the gutter as well. Most music played on the 'hits' stations such as Kiss FM, b96 and WGCI are not up par with the type of music popular music played 10 or 20 years ago. I feel like there are many good songs out there that aren't recognized by radio stations. So many of the songs played on the top 100 are unintelligent songs that talk about things like woman, how much money they make or a song dedicated to a dance move. While I do enjoy some songs that are out now that are considered popular, I do find myself questioning song such as Party in the USA (#1 on itunes) and I Got a Feeling (#6 on itunes) which are songs basically about nothing at all. I wonder why songs have lost meaning and depth and concentrate more on how good the melody is or how strong the bass is. Could this be due to an incline interest in partying or a decline in intellect?

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I completely agree with your position. I can not even listen to the music on the popular radio stations these days, I find it to be shallow and of low quality. In my opinion this music is popular because people are not looking for meaning, just a good noise.

    Also, the quality of movies is decreasing because they can be too focused on technology and not the actual plot.

    I think that popular music and movies these days tell a lot about our generation and the future of the country. People are becoming concerned about less meaningful things and this also means a decrease in intellectual matters.
