Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Disagree or Disrespect?

As I flipped through the channels today, I stopped on MSNBC when I saw people carrying signs in the street saying things such as, "Congress: are you stoned or just stupid? Please wake up and save America," "We are under attack by our own government!" ( I was appalled by some of the disrespectful and insulting things that were written on the posters, most worse than what stated above. Some related him to an African monkey in a zoo! Most were targeting Obama as a person and degrading him as an African American man. Some were even trying to say he was like Hitler by holding a sign stating, "Hitler made good speeches too." The videos of the people rampaging down the streets and yelling and screaming only made the images and signed more frightening. One poster, which in my opinion was the scariest, made it clear they were not armed, however in parenthesis under it stated, "Not this time."

After seeing all these horrific video clips, I changed the channel and tried to forget about it. I was so disturbed that I hopped up and opened my computer because I felt it was so wrong for these people to be saying such horrible things that I had to post my opinion. It would have been much more respectable if they had gotten their views across without insulting and attacking Obama as a person and his race. I couldn't believe it when not only were 'average' American's rallying, there was a senator from South Carolina rallying along with them.

Why is it that people feel it is OK to disrespect the president. Whether you agree with him or not, he is the president and he should be respected. People shouldn't agree with every single thing he says but there is a way to disagree without attacking someone personally.I feel these people failed miserably at staying classy and not making a fool of themselves

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Modern Family

When I saw a commercial for a new TV series called The Modern Family, I automatically started wondering: What exactly is a 'modern family'. In my opinion, a modern family breaks the traditional barrier and is comfortable with being different. A modern family could consist of two moms and a kid or a multiracial family or even the traditional parents and kids. You might wonder how a traditional family can break traditional molds. I think that if a family isn't ignorant of other ways of life and embraces and accepts people different then they are, they are considered a modern family.

Our modern culture is becoming more and more tolerant of people breaking the mold and moving outside of the box into a more realistic mindset where people do date out of there race or fall in love with someone of the same gender. As stated on, "Factoring in all racial combinations, Stanford University sociologist Michael Rosenfeld calculates that more than 7 percent of America’s 59 million married couples in 2005 were interracial, compared to less than 2 percent in 1970." These numbers prove that non-traditional families are on the rise in our modern society.
While the numbers do prove more people are breaking the mold, when will the society as a whole accept these families as no better or worse than a traditional non-mixed, heterosexual family? We live in a country where not everyone is allowed to marry who they would like. Not till the 60's was anyone allowed to marry someone of another race. In conclusion I ask, when will the majority of society, if ever, come to accept the changes in our nations family life?