Many people are familiar with Google Suggestions. You start to type in your search item, and a number of suggestions appear. Recently, I began to realize that many of these suggestions are filled with racist, sexist, inappropriate terms. For example, try typing in "why are". The very first suggestion is "why are black people so loud". I was stunned that such stereotypical and racist suggestions would come up on Google, a search engine used by millions of people every day. Another astonishing thing I found was that many of the suggestions that appear on the images site are suggestive of child pornography, another obviously horrible and sick thing. If you type in "racism is", Google gladly finishes it with words like "good", "natural", and "funny".
After finding all these horrible Google suggestions, I decided I would voice my opinion and contact Google and
complain about the problem. I know my complaint wouldn't get all the inappropriate suggestions deleted, but I would have felt better if I could get my opinion on the problem to the source. After 20 minutes of trying to find a way to contact them, I decided to to just blog about it. I thought it was interesting that Google makes I difficult to contact them about a complaint or even just a comment.
Do you think Google should be held responsible for the suggestions on their website? Is it their fault or is it because of the people who use Google? What do you think Google should do about it, if anything?